BASE – Building A Safe Environment

This is a student-initiated mentoring program at Vancouver Technical Seconary School that aims to decrease inicidents of bullying, harassment and discrimination.

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Circle Time

Group activity with the parents and children by singing songs, rhymes and stories so as to build child’s confidence, cognitive skills and strengthen the language development. An opportunity for the children to learn social skills of being together in...

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Basic Computer Class

Learning basic MS Word, Excel, and Internet & mail usage. One-on-one learning class available.

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Circles of Care and Connection

Circles of Care and Connection is Vancouver's 1st Early Years Refugee Program est. in 2009 as part of unique pilot program designed to provide intensive 1:1 support for refugee families with young children.

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Aboriginal Family Dinner Night

For Aboriginal families. Meet every Monday from 5:30-7:30pm for dinner and organized guest speaker’s talks or informal gatherings to learn arts and crafts and other. In collaboration with VNHS and ACFSS.

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Aboriginal Family Gathering

Aboriginal family gathering is for parents who have children that are new born to 18 years old. Grandparent are also welcome. Childminding is available. Program starts with a pray and a healthy meal. Program consist of art & craft,...

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Aboriginal Family Night

Families work together to create family time and have dinner and activities, including traditional healing workshops and crafts. It is a time to celebrate culture, build relationships and have fun together.

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Aboriginal Family Support Program

First Nations worker on site to work with First Nation families of children 0-12 years. Services include peer support, advocacy, parenting, skill development, life skills, linking families to community-based activities and services

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