Seniors’ Fitness Sessions

Sessions include: Strength & Stretch muscle exercise (Weds 11am to 12pm, Fri 11:30am to 12:30pm); Gentle Fit Chair Exercise (Weds 1pm to 2pm); Yoga Drop-In (Thurs 9:30am to 10:30am); 24-Form Simplified Tai Chi (Fri 9:30am to 10:30am).

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Preschool – Summer Kids Care

Family Place is offering an enriched summer preschool program at their preschool in Bobolink Park. The program will run for 3 different sessions. The sessins run from 9 to 12 noon.

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Seniors’ Lunch

Enjoy a nutritious, appetizing lunch each week with people of all ages. This is an opportunity to visit with friends and meet new people.

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Parent, Caregiver and Family Support

1-1 informal counselling and support on parent, caregiver, family and individual issues. Available in person during drop-in programs and by appointment.

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Parenting Matters at MPNH

Monthly parenting sessions. Topics are chosen by participants. Snacks and child-minding provided. Next topics during March and April: Nature Exploration (March 19th), YWCA Single moms information session (March 26th) and ADHD information (April).

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Parenting Programs

Family Programs offers parenting programs such as Nobody's Perfect and a variety of parenting classes. These classes are offered during the year as required and in different languages.

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Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program Fall 2019

Nobody's Perfect Parenting program is a free 6-week program for new parents, or parents wishing to connect with other parents in the neighbourhood to discuss topics on their children's health, development, nutrition, growth, discipline, etc. The program will be...

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Out of School Care – Cedar Cottage

Provides childcare for up to 30 school aged children in an inclusive, licensed facility

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Family Drop-In (Parent/Caregiver and Child)

Daily drop-in session for families with children 0-5. Families connect, play and learn together in a welcoming, early learning environment. Trained staff provide information and referral, and parent education and support. For parents, grandparents, family members, nannies, caregivers and children.  

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Out of School Care – Dickens

Provides childcare for up to 40 school-age children in an inclusive, licensed facility.

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