ESFP offers Licensed Occasional Childcare (19 months to early 6 years) to provide a much needed service which gives support to families who are in need of short-term direct childcare. Respite care for parents provides opportunities for community work, training, medical and legal appointments, self-care, etc., while providing safe, developmental care for children at ESFP.


Eastside Family Place
1655 William Street Map
Vancouver BC V5L 2R3
Phone: 604-255-9841
Fax: 604-255-9802


Date(s): Ongoing
Day(s): Monday-Friday
Time: 9:00 - 12:00 noon
Cost: $3.50 - $6.00/hour
Contact: Mamata Mohapatra
Phone: 604-251-1018
Language(s): Other, English
Program Group: Licensed Childcare