Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program

This 6 week parenting program is focused on the needs and interests of parents with young children ages 0 to 5. Typically the session focuses on behavior, self care and discipline but parents are active in the agenda creation....

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My tween and me parenting program

An 8-session program where parents will learn to build a strong relationship with your children as pre-teens, gain the confidence and skills to guide your children into and through the risk-taking teen years. Guest speakers about Bullying at school and...

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Nobody’s Perfect

A 6-8 week education and support program for parents of children under five. Childcare is provided. Programs for First Nations, English-speaking and Cantonese/Mandarin-speaking parents are offered.

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Nobody’s Perfect

Registration and MPNH membership required. Registration is available at MPNH. In partnership with McGregor Child Care Centre.

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Nobody’s Perfect

For parents with children age five or younger. Parents can learn more about caring for their children and building effective parenting skills. Groups operate in different languages twice a year in spring and fall.

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Nobody’s Perfect

Nobody's Perfect is a6 week support and education program for parents of children birth to 5 years of age (or not in grade one yet) who are not in crisis. Nobody's Perfect is offered twice a year - fall...

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Let’s Cook!

An introduction to Canadian cuisine for parents with young children

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Life As A Parent

An 8 week parenting program that provides a variety of topics that the participants generate - i.e., relationship building, understanding yourself and your child, etc. Focus is on parents sharing their own skills and techniques in parenting. Free on-site...

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Mama & Papa Goose

Parents and infants 0-12 months. Rhymes, songs and stories. Meet new friends, get information and support from staff and community health nurse. This program is designed with the concept of "parents supporting parents" while having fun!

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Food Skills for Families

Cooking program that teaches participants to learn healthy eating, shopping and cooking skills. Families improve skills and confidence to cook and prepare nutritious and appetizing meals. Healthy recipes to make healthier choices.

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